- 1.the action or process of investing money for profit or material result."a debate over private investment in road-building"
synonyms: investing, speculation; More - 2.archaicthe surrounding of a place by a hostile force in order to besiege or blockade it.
That definition was what came up when I googled the meaning of investment. Everyone makes monetary investments but I know that there are so many more different kinds of investments because I have been making them everyday. I used to be so focused on what other people thought of me and trying to make other people happy that I forgot about myself. My son, of course, is my number one priority and I take pride in the investments I have made in him but this is not about him. This is about me. Not too long ago I really looked in the mirror and looked at myself and looked at my life and realized that I was not living the life I wanted to live. I wasn't happy with my weight or my aura. I am a smart woman and I knew that the only person who could change my situation was me. So I decided to start investing in myself.
Every day when I get up I start making deposits into the "Tina Investment Account". As I am writing this it is 5:00 am and I am getting ready to work out. Then I am going to make my son and myself a healthy breakfast and pack us both a healthy lunch. I could forgo all of these activities and get up at 6:30 instead and make him a bowl of sugar filled cereal and we could both buy a lunch made by someone else that contains who knows what. Instead I choose to get up and invest in us.
Before I go to work I take the time to make sure my hair is fixed and my makeup is on and I have a well put together outfit, right down to my accessories which for me always includes a fabulous handbag. This makes me feel good. And if you read my previous post you know that if you look good, you feel good!!
Another thing I try to make a habit of doing these days is to only focus on things that matter. Everything else I just let go. If something or someone doesn't matter to me I just take it with a grain of salt and pepper. and go on about my day.
I feel better than I ever have in my whole life and I attribute a lot of that to the investments I am making in myself.
My aura affects other people in my life and when I am happier they are happier (happiness is contagious). I am living healthier and I feel great from the inside out. My recommendation to everyone is that no matter what your situation is, you need to take time every day to invest in yourself... the most important investment you can ever make!
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