Thursday, February 20, 2014

Date Like You Deserve It!

Are you tired of seeing other people that you see as being less attractive, less financially secure, etc. in a happy, successful relationship as you sip coffee at the table next to them while trying to decide what to name your new cat????? If this is you... read on!!!!

In dating there should be no rules that you have to follow! Isn't dating hard enough without having to lug some book around with you? I am going to break this down as simply as I can so that you can get on with dating yet stay true to yourself while trying to attain your relationship goals and at the same time retain your dating dignity!

My whole life I have thought men cared about your looks, your weight, how successful you are etc. The truth is they could care less about any of that stuff. They want exactly the same thing women want which is someone who makes them feel good. Don't get me wrong, if you change your name to ESPN that might not hurt but it just simply boils down to how they feel when they are around you. Men want to feel special. We know that they are "special" but they want to feel appreciated. Men want to buy you dinner and trim your trees so they can feel like the provider and the protector and you need to let them! When they have done something nice for you show your appreciation. Be happy and positive and someone that a man wants to be around. That is all they want. As women we overthink and overanalyze way too much and it can get in the way of a great relationship. When you are with a man trust me he is not thinking "Damn, her calves are a little too big for me to continue dating her". Men are not complicated. Quite the opposite actually. We make them complicated. Frankly a man isn't replaying every word that was said between you on your last date or silently critiquing your thighs. All he knows is he either feels good when he is around you and he wants to continue to be around you or he is indifferent to you and he will eventually move on. That's not to say that if you feel like you should lose 10 pounds that you shouldn't try to achieve that goal. You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with anyone else! The point is not to obsess over small stuff because men don't really care about that stuff in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes we use excuses about things such as needing to lose a few pounds as an excuse as to why we are not finding a good relationship. If you lose the 10 pounds and you still do not find a mate then you could really beat yourself up and see yourself as a total failure. And if you lose 10 pounds you have been successful in something that is extremely difficult and should pat yourself on the back. Focus on your successes, not your failures. Stay positive and strong and eventually you will find what you are looking for!

Men and women alike are drawn to people who are happy and positive. Those are the people we all want to be around. The same holds true for dating. It is important to find someone who makes you feel good and vice versa. Most of the time you know how the relationship is going. If the relationship is moving forward, as it should be, then you know this because you will meet their friends, family etc. and incorporate one another into each others lives. On the flip side, if the relationship is stagnate or moving backward, as hard as it may be to accept, you know that as well. This phase of a doomed relationship is where most women go into denial, and yes I am oh-so guilty of this myself from time to time, and try to hold onto something that just does not exist except in your mind. Just because you like someone or have enjoyed getting to know someone doesn't mean that you have to stay in that particular relationship forever. If you want to find the right life partner you need to know when to stay and when to move on. Life is too short to overstay a relationship. A lot of times when the newness of a relationship wears off you will be able to assess the relationship fairly. You can assess a relationship at anytime and should if you are having any doubts at all... ever! If someone is making you unhappy more than they are making you happy then it is time to part ways and move on... PERIOD!!!!!!!! Do not overanalyze your decision because trust me when you break it off with the guy they just go have beers with their buddies and watch sports while you sit at home trying to overanalyze what went wrong and what you could have done differently. Instead be glad for the time you had with that person, keep smiling, and remind yourself that there is someone out there for everyone. You deserve the fairytale and should NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS THAN YOU DESERVE!

Please keep in mind that I am not a professional. There are no rules or magic spells that will make your Prince Charming fall into your hands like putty! The only thing I do know is that you have to be true to yourself. Most importantly have fun and enjoy life.

Always remember, the only person who can make you happy is you!

Thanks for reading my blog NOW GO HAVE A FABULOUS DAY!!!

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