Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happiness is Contagious!

I have so many quotes that I love that help me stay happy, positive and focused every day.  One of those quotes is negativity breeds negativity.  Have you ever been around someone who is constantly negative and that person just seems to try to drag everyone down with them?  Recently I had several occasions that put me in the same situation as a lady with whom I have known as an acquaintance for years.  Mostly we just made small talk when we would run into one another because we had mutual friends.  During the occasions I just mentioned she and I were actually in a working environment together and we ended up having longer conversations.  That is when I really noticed how negative she was.  Her life, according to her, is a train wreck.  Both of her parents are sick and she is financially strapped.  Not only would she constantly go on about her personal woes but she would always want to gossip about people.  Most of the people she would talk about I didn't know but the things she was telling me was very personal stuff.  Every time I would be around her I was forced to endure her negativity and I was so uncomfortable that it got to the point that I just had to stop talking to her.  I would literally leave her presence and be in an utterly foul mood.  The way she made me feel was not good and I didn't like it so I became indifferent to her and had to step away from even trying to be friendly to her.  I also could not hold on to any feelings of guilt or anxiety because I chose to just walk away from this person and her negativity without so much as a conversation with her about how I was feeling.  There would be no point to a conversation as nothing would change about that person and quite frankly I just don't need or want the drama that a conversation would likely entail.  While I can sympathize with her situation with her parents and her finances, I can not risk my emotional well being because of how this person who I barely know makes me feel when I am around her.

Another saying that I love is that if you always do what you have always done you will always get the same result.  Not too long ago (quite frankly it was right after a break up with a man that I thought I was head over heels for) I found myself not liking the results that my life was churning out so I decided to take my life and my results in a different direction.  In order to change my results I had to change what I was doing.  The first thing I had to do was decide what it was exactly that I wanted my life to be like.  There is only one word that kept popping into my head and that word, you guessed it, was happy.  So I sat my miserable ass down and began to think of what makes me happy and I started to work on those things.  I am definitely a work in progress, but I am a HAPPY work in progress!  I no longer hide in my house because I am insecure about how I look and I am learning to avoid negative situations and people in order to keep my aura positive.  Now I take things that don't matter with a grain of salt... and pepper and hocus focus on happiness and surrounding myself with good, happy things.  The things that do matter to me, such as my weight, that I am unhappy with I am working on changing instead of simply accepting those things as my reality.  Your perception is your reality so if you don't like your reality, change your perception!

In life we tend to mimic the aura of those with whom we surround ourselves.  Think about that for a moment.  When you are around negative people you tend to become at the very least uncomfortable.  You may not mimic their behavior but the way they make you feel is what is important.  Whether they make you uncomfortable or maybe you just don't agree with the way they are behaving, your aura is going to be affected negatively when you are around negativity.  Hence, the phrase negativity breeds negativity.  On the other hand, if you are around happy, positive people they can affect you positively.  Take motivational speakers for example.  After listening to a motivational speaker you generally have genuine positive feelings and leave feeling like you are a better person for having listened to them.  During my awakening phase when I was trying to make better decisions about my life in order to get to a positive place, I stumbled upon the Focus T25 infomercial while looking for something to watch on television.  I was so moved and empowered from just watching that 30 minute infomercial that as soon as it was over I ordered the program.  I am 4 weeks into the program and I feel great!   Watching that infomercial motivated me that much.

Now one of my favorite sayings is that happiness is contagious, and it really, really is! Sometimes I feel so happy that I feel like I could just burst.  I am always smiling and trying my best to stay as positive as possible.  It is simply amazing the difference that the changes I have made have had on my life every single minute of every single day. Now I find that sometimes my happiness rubs off on other people which is fantastic. If you truly want to be happy start by avoiding negativity, accept the things you cannot change and change the things you can, and surround yourself with other happy people because it really is true... happiness is contagious!

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