Saturday, February 22, 2014

Turn Discouragement Into Determination

No matter how intelligent, focused, or positive you are, sometimes things happen that are going to bring you down.  The attitude and actions you choose when you find yourself in a negative place are up to you.  I will use myself as an example.  For anyone who knows me or who has been reading my blogs, you know that I have struggled with my weight in recent years.  Instead of facing my issues and dealing with the emotions that were directly linked to how I was feeling about myself because of my weight, I chose to ignore that elephant in the room.  I actually embraced the elephant as part of the family like he was supposed to be there.  Before long that elephant was my only friend (besides Ben and Jerry).  It's a lonely life when you surround yourself with negativity and let the negative emotions consume you.  There was a time that I didn't even remember that I wasn't always like that so I was just going about my life believing that being alone, overweight and unhappy were just my new normal.

One day I woke up and realized THERE IS A FREAKING ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM and it's not normal!  That's when I realized that I had to start making better choices and make some changes and quick before I ended up spending my days knitting sweaters for my 20 cats to pass the time while I was waiting to die.  Ain't nobody got time for that, especially me.  Luckily I have been blessed to have had many amazing people in my life over the years who have either inspired, encouraged or enlightened me.  For all of those people I want to say thank you a million times over because without you I would not be where I am or who I am today.

I want my happily ever after and the only person who can make that happen is this girl and I am on it!  There is no one or nothing that is going to stop me.  Now when I am getting dressed for the day and my jeans are too tight or my garage door won't open or what ever other discouraging thing happens, I just turn that emotion from discouragement to determination.  If my jeans are too tight it just makes me determined to make better choices in regards to my diet and exercise for the day.  Two weeks ago I went to leave for work and my garage door only opened half way.  I became determined to fix it myself and I did fix it and I felt amazing afterward!  Every baby step that I take that is a success just gives me the positive reinforcement that I need to keep going and never look back. 

I wrote a poem many years ago and my favorite line is "scairdy cats are afraid of goblins, ghouls and ghosts... cowards are afraid of the things that matter the most".  I have been afraid of everyone seeing me fail so I retreated and became defeated.  I don't want to be a coward anymore and I don't want to hide anymore.  I want to make everyday fabulous and full of life, hope and happiness.  This sassy, classy chick is determined to succeed and nothing is going to stop me!   I just always have to remember, don't get discouraged, get determined!

Thanks for letting me share my story with you and thank you for being here, now and always!  NOW GO HAVE A FABULOUS DAY!!!

If you want to feel happy you should watch this video!  I LOVE IT!!!

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