Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hocus Focus

Congratulations!  If you are reading this post then you have been blessed with another fabulous day to live and I want to help you make the most of this day. 

Do you want to work magic with your mind?  You can!  It's easy.  All you have to do is focus.  What do meditation and visualization have in common?  They are all about focusing.  If you want to attain your goals you have to first figure out what those goals are and then focus on making your goals and dreams come true.

Let's start with figuring out your goals.  In life we have many things that we set goals for such as financial success, buying a new car, taking a vacation, starting a family etc.  Some goals are much bigger than others and sometimes your goals may seem overwhelming.  There are short term goals and long term goals.  In order to attain your goals it is vital that you know what those goals are so keep track of them in the way that works best for you.  However you decide to track your goals, I would highly recommend that they are written down somewhere so that you can physically see them.

Now that you know what your goals are let's check them out before we go any further.  Your goals should be viable in order to achieve success.   If your goals are unattainable then you will feel like a failure and then you will likely abandon your goals and be left with feelings of inadequacy, guilt, shame and lots of other negative feelings.  I will give you an example.  Let's say your goal is to lose 20 pounds.  That is a very large goal but if you break it up into smaller, more attainable goals you will set yourself up for greater success.  Start off with deciding that this week you want to lose two pounds.  Doesn't losing two pounds sound a whole lot easier than losing twenty?  Once you have accomplished the two pound loss then set another goal, maybe another two pounds.  After your first two pound loss you will feel proud of yourself.  When you lose the second two pounds you will start to feel proud and motivated.  The positive effect will be like a snowball and before you know it you will have hit your twenty pounds! 

The next step to making your dreams come true and attaining your goals and feeling successful is the most important step.  Every day I wake up and ask what can you do today to make today successful and make me be the best I can be so that I am happy and fabulous?  I start by doing some easy stretches and breathing and focusing on my goals and check my attitude for the day.  I know that if I want to get where I want to go only I can get me there.  After 20 minutes or so of focusing, I go start my day.  This is where the hard part comes.  Once you leave the security of your own home, outside influences become a factor in our lives which could cause making good choices harder to do.  Let's take the weight loss goal for example.  If your goal is to lose two pounds this week and you go to work and it's someone's birthday so the boss brought in a giant, delicious, chocolate cake that you would normally eat and possibly go for seconds, you need to focus and ask yourself what choice can I make right here that will help me reach my goal?  Making better choices throughout your day will bring small victories which will eventually turn into achieving your goals.  Your mind is magical but only you have the magic wand that controls your magical mind so focus on your dreams and use your powers wisely.  So the next time you find yourself in a difficult situation and are tempted to make a bad decision, just pull out your magic wand and wave it over your magical mind and say Hocus Focus.



  1. I really needed to read this. Im laying in bed feeling defeated before i have even attempted to get out of bed. Now to refocus on the good the day can bring and the right mental attitude will make all the difference in how my day goes. I already know all these things but sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves and certain situations that we forget to focus on what really matters. Thanks for the reminder it was very much needed.

    1. Thanks Tracy! I have to remind myself too. I think everyone does. I have actually been saying Hocus Focus (in all its corniness) to myself everytime I lose focus and start to feel bad or make a bad decision. I especially have to say it every time I pass McDonalds LOL!
