Monday, April 28, 2014

Want to look tan without ruining your skin?

I love to have some color because I am one pale pasty white girl! I used to spend money and time going tanning and it was ruining my skin and I was risking getting skin cancer. I happened upon this lotion at the Dollar Tree. I think it was just old packaging that's why they had it there. But this Nivea Sunkist radiance gradual Tanner and body lotion is amazing. I ran out so I went to Kroger and did not see this there and bought Neutrogena build a tan. I hated that stuff it was streaky and made my skin looks funny. But thank goodness I went back to Kroger to see if I could find something else and low and behold I found my Nivea Sunkist radiance.  I think a lot of people shy away from this stuff because they think it's going to make your skin look funny but if you want to try it you should do the Nivea. The Neutrogena even make my hands look funky even though I would wash them after I was done putting it on. People seriously think I'm lying when I say I do not go to the tanning bed! So if you want a little color save yourself a lot of time and money and save your skin and buy yourself some Nivea Sunkist radiance! Have a great day :-)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Without Accountability There is No Progress

We all know that one person who blames every person in the world for the bad situations in which they constantly find themselves.  You know the one, his mother was an alcoholic or his father was abusive or her boyfriend is a cheater, so they are constantly pointing fingers at other people for their negative behavior and unsavory choices.

I actually found myself in a deep conversation the other day with a person who has had similar life experiences as myself (my father was an abusive alcoholic, several family members have been drug addicts, etc.) and as I listened to myself speak it was like I was having an out-of-body experience.  I could hear the words as they came out of my mouth and it sounded as if I could be crying the blues and hoping for sympathy from this person.  I abruptly interrupted myself and found the need to clarify myself to this person.  Life is life and everyone has had negative experiences.  I was simply sharing my experiences and not looking for sympathy or for someone to blame for anything that may have went wrong in my life.  The only person responsible for my bad choices is myself.  At that part of our conversation we began to discuss the life experiences of the other people who had played  negative roles in our lives.  Some of those people certainly did a lot of finger pointing and did not take responsibility for their own actions so they continued (and some continue to this day) to make poor choices in life because they blame other people, it's not their fault.  And until these people make a decision to accept accountability they will continue to make bad choices and will always be what they are right now.

I am not a perfect person but I am trying hard to be better today than I was yesterday.  When you can accept accountability for your mistakes, learn from them and pick yourself up and move on without repeating those same mistakes, you are making progress.  When you are making progress, you are moving forward and getting better every single day.  Making yourself a better you everyday is success!  But you have to start by holding yourself accountable for your decisions if you want to make progress.  If there are things about your life that you do not like or feel like they are holding you back from being what you know you can be, take discouragement and turn it into determination.  Choose better options for yourself, you deserve it and so does everyone you affect in your daily life!  Happiness is contagious!  Become the best you and inspire others to be the best they can be.  You will be amazed how different you feel and how different other people react and respond to your new self!  It all starts with the simple task of assuming accountability for your own actions and deciding to make better choices for a better life.

I wish happiness for everyone and I thank you for reading my blog:)