Wednesday, February 19, 2014

M is for Morning Motivation

I used to find it so hard to get out of bed and get going in the morning.  My alarm would go off and I would hit snooze 5 times (or more) before I wouId eventually drag myself out of bed.  Even then I would just dread starting my day because I knew that meant going through the same thing day in and day out.  i  just couldn't understand how anyone could  be a  "morning person".  When every day is like groundhog day where is the motivation?

Now I totally get it because I am a "morning person".  I heard the phraseI "It's never too late to have a happy life" and somehow that just triggered something in my brain.  I never thought I was unhappy but I realized I was just existing and I decided that I want to live, not just exist! 

Starting your day off in a positive way is imperative to making your day a success.  I now have Pandora radio set as my alarm clock (if you have the app it comes with an alarm clock and the app is free if you don't already have it).  This morning the song on my alarm was Prince's "I Would Die For You".  Prince radio is one of my faves because I am an 80's girl so that is my choice and I wake up in a good mood every morning just by hearing music I love to start my day.  I continue to play Pandora until it is time for my workout and after my workout and I play it while I am getting ready for my day,

Another thing that really gets me going in the morning is getting up early.  It is a great feeling to get a lot of stuff accomplished first thing in the morning when most people are sleeping their life away.  Get a jump start on your day and get up an hour earlier to work on things you tend to put off later in the day.  This helps eliminated excuses and gives you a feeling of accomplishment first thing in the morning.  What a great way to start your day. I try to pack lunches for myself and my son the night before so I don't have to be rushed in the mornings and I go to bed early so I am refreshed in the morning instead of tired and grumpy.

If music doesn't get you in a good mood find what works for you.  There must be something that can get you pumped for the day.  Find your thing and do it!  One other thing I like to do is play games on my phone if I am having a hard time waking up.  I will play Words With Friends, Scramble or Words of Wonder just to give my brain a kick start. 

I am certain that if you get up in the morning and start your day off strong and in a positive way, whatever way works best for you, you will feel better all day!  I challenge you to try this for a week if you don't already have a habit of morning motivation.  If you have things that inspire and motivate you, please feel free to share and post your comments.  Let's keep each other motivated!!

Thanks for reading my post NOW GO HAVE A FABULOUS DAY!!!

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